
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Ep. 253: It's harder to shoot film without a camera
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
On this weeks show we address the issue that despite backing the Agent Shadow kickstarter to get his hands on a load of 35mm film, Ade doesn't own a 35mm camera, having sold them all last year.
His co-hosts offer a variety of suggestions for what he should buy to rectify this issue, none of which he seems convinced by, hopefully you guys can do better!
Also on this show we launch the next round of the Cheap Shots Challenge!
Send in your suggestions for Ade and your Cheap Shots pictures to: sunny16podcast@gmail.com

Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Ep. 252: Human contact: What it is and how to deal with it
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
On this weeks show we ramble broadly on about what it's been like to start interacting with other people photographically in the wake of the first photo walk since January 2020.
A huge shout out to everyone we met on the day, especially all the people who we failed to mention on the show - it was lovely getting to see you all/watch many of you slowly turn bright pink!

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Ep. 251: Agent Shadow
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by Stephen Dowling of Kosmo Foto to hear all about his new line of film, Agent Shadow, and the Kickstarter that's launching it.

Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Ep. 250: Lomokinonononononono
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
On this weeks (belated) show we hear how John's work in preparation for his collaborative exhibition is going, how Clare's work in preparation for her part in the Experimental Photography festival is proceeding, and how Graeme flooded his shed with fixer. Not everyone can be doing something great I guess.
On top of that we have a great and thought provoking selection of emails to share with you.
Pinhole and lawn bowls event: https://www.realphotographycompany.co.uk/events-courses
Large Format Camera Store: https://www.lfcamerastore.com/

Friday May 28, 2021
Ep. 249: Shutter Bugs
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
On this weeks show Graeme is chatting in person with Dave Walker, all round lovely chap and smart dude, about using modern and easily available technology to solve some of the problems facing analogue photographers and his own project attempting to re-interpret the innards of old electronics based cameras!
Find Dave on Instagram:
And his T90 project here: https://thet90project.design.blog/

Wednesday May 19, 2021
E248 : The new states man
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
On this weeks show we're joined by the mighty Mike Caputo to talk about his recently edited and published photography magazine which features a different photographer for each of the 50 US states sharing their work!
We also talk about Graeme's new enlarger, the trip he made with John to get it, and his pretty amazing Birthday camera.
Also, there was a surprise collection of listener content at the end of the show for Graeme, including a couple of very different but equally magical songs amongst many other kindnesses. A huge thank you to everyone who got in touch and sent something in, you are all far better people than we deserve to have listening!
Find Mike on Instagram @aloha_bigmike
The new zine can be seen and bought here: https://www.blurb.com/b/10703303-america-fifty-on-film
The Birthday Song by Silence is full of birds

Thursday May 13, 2021
Ep. 247: Analogue Hugs
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
This week Graeme, Clare and John catch up about their analogue photographic adventures and (sometimes unnecessary!) purchases.
We also take a look through a fantastic new zine from Ian Wallace (https://www.onahillroad.com/) about Paddington Train Station.
Available on YouTube:
Send your behind-the-scenes email comments to:
and John says, send your special emails to:

Saturday May 08, 2021
Ep. 246: Getting Lit
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
On this weeks show it's the return of the One Hour Challenge, where the hosts of the show have one hour to try and accomplish a photographic goal, and you get to listen along to see how well (or otherwise) they get on.
The challenge this time out was to use household light sources as cheap/free ways of lighting our pictures. Both the results and the light sources used were very varied...
Music used on the show:
Pixelland by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4222-pixelland
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Ep. 245: The Greatest Photography Festival of 2020 Returns!
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
On this weeks show we're joined by Pablo Giori, co-director and program manager for the Experimental Photography Festival, an amazing event taking place in Barcelona later this year. We talk about the event they held last year, what's new for 2021, and about the place of experimental photography within the larger art world today.
Find out more about the festival here:
And see Pablo's work here: https://www.instagram.com/pablo.giori/

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Ep. 244: The Anarchists Darkroom Cookbook
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
On this weeks show we're delighted to welcome back the fabulous Tina Rowe to talk to us about her work over the last year experimenting with liquid emulsions on everything, and impromptu art installations around London.
You can find Tina's work on Instagram @tinarororo, and on her website https://tinarowe.co.uk/