
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Ep. 208: Live Ade
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Why has it been so darned hot this week? Because all of the Sunbeams are out in force, including a return visit from one very special 'beam!

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Backing Paper #78
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
This week, in Rachel's absence, Graeme is joined by the wonderful John Whitmore to read some splendid listener emails.
Please keep your letters coming in to sunny16podcast@gmail.com

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Ep. 207: Return of Underexposed
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Underexposed at long last returns, with Rachel at the helm and joined by the fabulous Clare Marie Bailey and Hilary Clarke. Find the the video of this show at patreon.com/littlevintagephotography
Instagram recommendations: @merrimayhem (Meredith Wilson), @roo_roo (Ruth Storey), @Iamnina (Ina Echternatch) @clegairphoto and @solexposure
Music is "Nasty" by Jeremy Warmsley: @jwojwo / www.jeremywarmsley.com

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Backing Paper #77
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Analogue Television on the Radio - Black Lives Matter
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
This weeks show is an audio version of the fantastic conversation Paul Mckay had with the wonderful Tina Rowe, Rob from London Camera Project and Eric Toribio on the Analogue Wonderland Youtube Channel - go there for the full visual splendor of it all (and to laugh at Paul's haircut). Many thanks to them all for letting us share this
Video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da8we4Co_Jc
Description Paul is joined by three incredible black film photographers:
- Rob LCP - https://www.instagram.com/londoncamer...
- Eric Toribio - https://www.instagram.com/ribsy__/
- Tina Rowe - https://www.instagram.com/tinarororo/
We discuss their journey into film photography, how their personal experiences have been shaped by their race, and their thoughts and hopes for the Black Lives Movement - for photography and for wider society.
Rob also goes on a selling pitch for the APS format...
Follow the Photographers For more of Tina's work head to her website - https://tinarowe.co.uk/ For more of Eric's work head to his YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1_-... To join Rob's photowalks head to: https://www.meetup.com/London-Camera-... Recommendations for other black artists to follow:
On Instagram: @ramonjamar_ @_zackwebb @DamonLoble @ImDaveWillis Renell Medrano - @renellaice on Instagram
Ingrid Pollard. Incredible landscape photographer. Exceptionally knowledgeable about alt processes. http://www.ingridpollard.com/
Women in photo https://instagram.com/womeninphoto?ig...
Authority collective for women, non binary BAME photographers. Very active community https://instagram.com/authoritycollec...
Carrie Mae Weems. Basically the queen of art photography https://instagram.com/flash9?igshid=q... https://instagram.com/carriemaeweems?...
Mfonfoto photographers of the African diaspora https://instagram.com/mfonfoto?igshid...
Sandra Harper. Cool photographer excellent human https://www.sandra-harper.com/
Paul Halliday. Runs Urban Photo at Goldsmiths. Smart interested and interesting https://twitter.com/PaulTHalliday?s=09
Autograph the association of black photographers. One of the best galleries in the UK showcasing the work of BAME photographers from around the world https://instagram.com/autographabp?ig...
Heineken don't make darkrooms but if they did... My darkroom. BW, colour, altprocess, superb humans http://e5process.co.uk/
Douglas Nicolson., We share the studio and he's the best. Highly experimental, really smart and thoughtful and he puts up with me. https://instagram.com/douglas_nicolso...
Ingrid Pollard. Incredible landscape photographer. Exceptionally knowledgeable about alt processes. http://www.ingridpollard.com/
Deb Willis and the tisch school of arts https://debwillisphoto.com/home.html
And the studio museum in Harlem. https://www.studiomuseum.org/

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Backing Paper #76
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Matthew Joseph joins Graeme this week to attempt the reading of a splendid selection of listener emails.
Elsa Dorfman documentary: https://www.netflix.com/title/80145699

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Ep. 205: Inspirations and Revelations
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
On this weeks show Clare, John and Graeme catch up on the last week, and have a chat about the things that inspire their work, including a shocking revelation from John.
All this, and more rambling than is legally allowed in Scotland or Wales at the moment!

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Backing Paper #75
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Elsa Dorfman - https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/05/30/cambridge-photographer-elsa-dorfman-famous-for-her-giant-polaroids-dies-at-83

Saturday May 30, 2020
Ep. 204: Groceries Point Blank
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
It's One Hours Assignment time again here on the Sunny 16 Podcast, so tune in as Rachel, Graeme, Clare Marie Bailey and John Whitmore have one hour to raid their cupboards and try and make some interesting pictures!

Monday May 25, 2020
Backing Paper #74
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
A cracking selection of emails and the final installment in John Michael Mendizza's dark room diaries!