
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Backing Paper #4
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Back once again for another dose of listener emails, cheap shots challenge entries, and as a special bonus this week a returning guest from the earliest days of the podcast!
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Ep. 124: Slam Dunk the Photographic Funk
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
On this weeks show it's just the three Sunbeams, chatting about Ade finally looking at his Bhutan photo's in depth a year after he took them, what he should do with them now he HAS looked at them, and thoughts on the reasons for, and how to get out of, a photographic funk.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes

Monday Oct 29, 2018
Backing Paper #3
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Rachel and Graeme are back to take a look at some more Cheap Shots entries, read some emails, and even listen to some listener submitted potential theme tunes!
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Ep. 123: A Kickstarter in the nuts
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
On this weeks episode we're taking a look at how some of the many crowd funded projects we've discussed over the last couple of years have fared, and it's certainly a broad range of results, from good to bad to the Yashica Y35.
And who better to join us on the show for an inside scoop on the pleasures and pitfalls of Kickstarted campaigns than Hamish Gill, creator of the Pixl-latr and of course 35mmc.com.
#The day after we recorded (because of course), Reflex put out an update which addressed some of the points we discussed on the show, go to their Kickstarter page listed below to read in full#
Hamish can be found here:
Chroma: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1794420225/chroma-the-unique-4x5-technical-camera
Silberra: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/silberra-b-w-photographic-films#/
Yashica Y35: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1940283777/expect-the-unexpected-digifilmtm-camera-by-yashica
Ihagee Elbaflex: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/692391811/elbaflex-35mm-true-analog-camera-history-reloaded/description
Ferrania: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/filmferrania/100-more-years-of-analog-film
JollyLook: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jollylook/jollylook-the-first-cardboard-vintage-instant-came
RollieFlex Instant Kamera: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rolleiinstantcamera/rolleiflextm-instant-kamera/description
Intrepids new kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1436129614/intrepid-4x5-enlarger-print-and-scan-35mm-120-and/description
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Backing Paper #2
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Emails, Cheap Shots and general tomfoolery with everyones favourite adventurer this week, Eric from @conspiracy.of.cartographers!
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Ep. 122: A keen eye and a patient wife
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
In this weeks episode we're delighted to be joined be the talented and charming James Moreton, a photographer and printer from Northern Ireland who has produced some beautiful work focused on his family, his homeland, and more recently, Fairies (allegedly).
James is also a member of the AllFormat Collective, a group of fantastic photographers from around the world who have already worked together to produce one photobook, and another is on the way.
A well as talking about all of the above, we get James to give us his insight into what it means to shoot fine art in the vain hope that it'll help us hosts with the Cheap Shots Challenge as the deadline looms.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes

Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Backing Paper #1
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Welcome to the first Backing paper, a shorter* weekly addition to the main show to act as a home for things like listener emails, cheap shots updates, community news and events etc - basically anything we don't have time for in the main show!
This week Rachel and Graeme take a look at the first batch of entries for the current round of the Cheap Shots Challenge, and answer some pressing listener questions!
*Using the Sunny 16 Podcast definition of "Shorter", obviously.
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Ep. 121: Hitting 1.0
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
On this weeks episode we're delighted to welcome back Abe Fettig, creator of the highly useful Filmlab app to talk about his experience of Kickstarting a project, the difficulties involved in digitising film and hitting version 1.0. We also have the second installment of Martin Scarlands Dark room building adventures.
All this, and there's even an announcement from us here at Sunny 16 Towers!
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Ep.120: Fun times at Photokina
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
In this weeks episode we're delighted to welcome back Paul Mckay from Analogue Wonderland to get an a film shooters view on what and who there was to see at Photokina 2018, including of course Kodak's release of Ektachrome, Cinestill's new products, a new product from Japan Camera hunter and more! Plus we hear about the results of the Summer Holidays competitionand Paul complains unfairly about Graeme's exemplary promotional skills.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Ep. 119: Fresh Bretz
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
In this weeks episode we were delighted to be joined be the young entreprenuer behind boutique film brand Bretz Analog, Henry Bretz. We talk about what drove him to pursue his goal of releasing film under his own brand, how he got there, and the many things he hopes to do in the future including supplying colour 127 film!
We also talk about the temperature control system for developing film from Cinestill and more!
Find Henry here:
Cinestill announcement:
Photowalk Me - www.photowalk.me
Photokina -
Emulsive santa nominations for good causes ends soon
RPS 100 Heroines Nominations close next friday - 28th Sept http://www.rps.org/100-heroines/nominate-here
Rachel’s contribution to Emulsive article on RPS 100 Heroines:
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - sunny16podcast@gmail.com
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes